Important Updates:
Our main hall (including bar and kitchen) remains closed. We are in the process of working through remediation issues and are not currently accepting rentals.
Our seminar room and conference room are open and available for rent.
Our Glamshack is not available for rental from December 1 to March 31.
Our Craft Fair has been cancelled. We are working to get refunds out to vendors as soon as we are able.
For Your Information
Did you know that if you have questions/concerns about streets, snow removal, dangerous intersections and much more you can download the Calgary311 App to file a report?
Also, the Calgary Police Service has an online Traffic Safety Request Form

Office Hours
The GCA Office is currently closed; except by appointment.
Phones and email will still be answered Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4:00pm.
Contact Details
4207 - 41 Ave SW
Calgary, AB
T3E 1G2
Ph: 403.246.8218
Fax: 403.240.1394
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We're On Facebook!
Did you know that the Glamorgan Community Association is now on Facebook?
Like us on Facebook and keep up to date with what's going on in and around your community
This site is designed for the residents of Calgary’s Glamorgan community. Please take some time to explore all it has to offer…If you have any ideas or suggestions for this site please feel free to send them to us!